Shhh! We’re reading Betwixt by Darynda Jones

We are excited to read another book by Darynda Jones after a much too long break. Betwixt gives us another story with a protagonist who has lost everything and is trying to rebuild her life. Defiance Dayne has inherited a mysterious house from an unknown lady who turns out to be her grandmother whose ghost is using a website for communication from beyond the grave.  Defiance discovers her magic powers that have been hidden for 40 years and begins to find the person she thought was lost. Luckily a smoking hot handyman in a kilt lives in her new house and is around to give her a hand. Unfortunately, like in Midlife Bounty Hunter, our heroine doesn’t get the super sexy time we are hoping for but there is promise of some to come in the steamy, tense scenes between Defiance and Roan. We appreciate the way Darynda approached her ‘older’ (ha! she is only 44) main character. Unlike Brina in Midlife Bounty Hunter, Defiance does not harp on being too old or her body not working like it used to. Defiance is beaten down by what she sees as all her ‘failures’ especially her divorce, but as she starts to develop her powers and the people in her life continue to stand by her side she gains confidence and strength.  We enjoyed this book and look forward to following Defiance and Roan as the series continues.

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Music by Jim Townsend

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